Taylored Facilities Management are now registered on the Private Rented Sector (PRS) scheme

Graham Taylor - 03.06.20

The Government has introduced legislative requirements from 1st June 2020 for Landlords in the Private Rented Sector in England. This will require Landlords to have electrical safety checks carried out as follows:

  • From 1st July 2020 all new specified tenancies will require an electrical safety check to be in place
  • From 1st April 2021 all existing specified tenancies will require an electrical safety check to be in place

Landlords have a choice in relation to engaging a person under the electrical safety check and can either:

  • Use a contractor that is listed on the PRS Register www.electricalcompetentperson.co.uk/ OR
  • Find a competent person using a checklist covered in the MHCLG (Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government) Guidance

Landlords will be guided to use registered businesses such as Taylored Facilities Management by the Government; therefore, these changes provide business opportunities for electrical contractors wanting to work in this sector.

To learn more about this scheme or to find out how we could support your business, why not get in touch? A member of our team will be happy to help.